
 Cover (page 1)

This is the new childhood in America:

Seizure data: 

Autism numbers: 

Events leading up to 1986 Injury Act and subsequent expansion of the vaccine schedule:

Rates of vaccination; infant mortality statistics:
“No country in the world vaccinates as early or as often as the United States. In the 1950s, we had the third best infant mortality in the world; more babies lived past twelve months of age in only two other countries. In the 1960s, the United States began requiring universal, mandatory vaccination for school admission and has gradually and significantly increased the number of required vaccines since then.”  pp 221-222.   VACCINE EPIDEMIC: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children  c. 2011 by Center for Personal Rights, Inc.   [source]

Infant mortality rates:     

Infant mortality compared with vaccination rates:
•  [source]

This is normal; we see this all the time; it’s a coincidence — “Vaccines are now the leading cause of coincidences in the world”:
•  [source]

page 2

Vital Statistics Graph of US mortality rates:

PBS says measles killed 100 at Disneyland:

Measles deaths versus measles vaccine deaths:

MMR vaccine adverse events:
•  [source]

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS):  

Pharma Calls the Shots — Dr. Toni Bark on vaccines:

Dr. Bark’s website: 

Bought, the movie: 

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) vaccine schedule: 

The CDC owns 56 vaccine patents: 

Advisory Committee on Vaccine Practices (ACIP): 

ACIP conflicts of interest:

Hearing transcript on conflicts of interest:

What are Wall Street analysts doing at ACIP meetings?     
•  [source]

Standard of care:  “The American Hospital Association (AHA) estimates that a 100-bed hospital that fails to comply could forfeit $320,000”:
•  [source]

MD’s incentives/bonuses to fully vaccinate:

New vaccines in the pharmaceutical pipeline: 

Nearly 300 vaccines are in Development:  

page 3

The Vaccine Friendly Plan, Dr. Paul Thomas:      

‘Vaccine Safety Commission’ - 50 studies the AAP failed to send to Pres. Trump:
•  [source]

An analysis of two decades of U.S. data (1990-2010) showed that infants who received the most vaccines had the worst hospitalization & death rates:      

A 2011 study of data from 34 developed nations found that countries giving the least vaccines had the lowest infant mortality:  

Article about this study:

U.S. has twice as many first-day infant deaths as all 27 EU nations combined:

Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies:

page 4

Package inserts:

Vaccine Ingredients:  

Dangers of ingredients:

Vaccine ingredients overview:

Excipient lists:


Phenol material safety data sheet:

Human fetal cells:
•  [source]

Human DNA in vaccines:
•  [source]

Summary of Supportive Science regarding thimerosal and vaccines:
•  [source]

World Mercury Project:

Dr. Kenneth Stoller — Autism, Vaccines, Mercury and the Culpability of the American Academy of Pediatrics:

Thimerosal-containing vaccines must be disposed of as hazardous waste:

Thimerosal Material Safety Data Sheet: 

Polysorbate 80:
•  [source]

Formaldehyde Material Safety Data Sheet:
•  [source]

page 5

Hidden ingredients:

Contaminants — dirty vaccine analysis:

Glyphosate in vaccines:

Dr. Deisher on contaminants:
Full paper:
Presentation - Worldwide Autism Epidemic & Human Fetal Manufactured Contaminated Vaccines:

Retroviruses — Dr. Judy Mikovits’ story:
Dr. Judy Mikovits’ talks:
Her book — PLAGUE: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases:

Adverse Events & Contraindications —
DTap vaccine package insert:

MMR vaccine package insert:

Japan bans the MMR vaccine:

Gardasil lawsuits:

France pulls rotavirus vaccine:

Merck scientists sue Merck for MMR efficacy fraud:

WA health dept urges pregnant women to get flu shots:

No safety tests regarding flu shots and pregnant women:
•  [source]

Tdap risks during pregnancy:

Immune system activation during pregnancy:  
•  [source]

Maternal immune activation causes age- and region-specific changes in brain cytokines in offspring throughout development:
•  [source]

Informed Consent?   Know the difference —
Vaccine Information Statements (VIS):
•  [source]
Package inserts:   

page 6

What do doctors learn in medical school?:

Original article with quote (polio history):       

Video on medical textbooks:     

Dissolving Illusions — Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History:

Autism rates in 2032:
•  [source]

Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed:   

Where are the autistic Amish?    

Later Olmsted article on Amish:    

Dr. Paul Thomas study: see book  The Vaccine Friendly Plan

Censored homeschool (Mawson) study:
•  [source]

Update:  The Mawson et al “Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12-year-old U.S. children” published in the Journal of Translation Science was not, in fact, retracted.  It can be found here:
Other countries vaxxed vs unvaxxed studies:

*Margulis quote (from Episode 1 of The Truth About Vaccines)

Who refuses vaccines?  

NEJM study: Parents who don’t vaccinate:
•  “…the unvaccinated children were more likely to be male, to be white, to belong to households with higher income, to have a married mother with a college education…”  [source]  

US Congresspeople who don’t vaccinate — polled by NBC News:

Doctors and Nurses who don’t vaccinate:
•  pp. 282- 293, from Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies

Margulis quotes (from Episode 1 of The Truth About Vaccines)

page 7

Time Magazine “RFK:

RFK Jr website:   

RFK page in USA Today:  
Also reprinted as "Vaccines, government & Big Pharma's dirty money – Exclusive: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. shares truths establishment newspapers wouldn't touch":

Documentary Trace Amounts website: 

“No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable…” — the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act:
•  [source]

Events leading up to 1986 Injury Act and explosion of new vaccines:

2011 Supreme Court ruling:  

Safety Testing:  

Inadequate vaccine safety research and conflicts of interest:
•  [source]

$61 billion by 2020:  

Big Pharma and big profits — “Today the vaccine market is worth close to $24 billion. The report titled ‘Global Human Vaccines Market 2016-2020’ gives an in-depth analysis of the possible revenues and emerging market trends globally.”:

page 8

CDC Whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson:

Bills to legislate mandates, remove exemptions:     

Bills now in 40 states:   

National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC): 


Vaxxed tour website: 

Vaxxed the movie website:   

The McDowell Triplets in Michigan: 

The Prosecutor:  

Colton in Utah: 

Heather & Luke in Nashville, TN:  

Miscellaneous Resources:

The Truth About Vaccines, Episode 1:  
Revolution for Truth / Dr. Paul Thomas:  
Revolution for Truth / Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: 
Revolution for Truth / Del Bigtree:  
Revolution for Truth / Judy Mikovits:
Revolution for Truth / Barbara Loe Fisher:
Revolution for Truth / Jennifer Margulis:
Revolution for Truth / Dr. Toni Bark: 

Informed Choice WA:

Physicians for Informed Consent:

Doctors and scientists speak out / collection of videos:  

Taking apart fear tactics:

46 doctors explain why vaccines aren’t safe or effective, plus 13 documentaries:

Quotes from medical doctors on vaccines:

130 Research papers supporting Vaccine/Autism Link:

14 studies linking vaccines to autism: 

New Vaccines Still Cause Autism and the U.S. Government Knows It:   

Summary of Supportive Science Regarding Thimerosal and Vaccines:
•  [source]

Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson:

Sharyl Atkisson, flu shot for elderly:

Melissa interviewing Dr. Blaylock — start at 9 minutes: 


Informed Consent FAQs:

Law Note on Informed Consent and the Geneva Conventions:

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